One of my favorite thing to do is to find froogle visits for me to take the children on and one of our favorites is the
Baltic Centre for Contempary Arts. Evey Saturady and Sunday, betwween two and four, they have a open crafts for children. We've gone a couple of times and realy enjoyed it and been quite creativein what we've done. So yesterday I thought I would take Stella along to the craft and pop in to see the Yoko Ono exhibit. The craft went well. Stella did a lovely drawing of the Baltic which is know exhibited in the childrens centre at the Baltic. Then we decided to go and see the
Yoko Ono exhibit. It wasn't up to much. In fact if you have kids don't bother. The one bit that looked fun, a glass maze, was only open to over sixteens plus quite a bit of the exhibit was only open to over eighteens, so all and all a bit of a dissapointment.
On the plus side I did come home to find Pete and our friend John had erected our free, thanks to John, green house. Can't wait to get the glass in so I can get on planting.
To day has been much better. We took the dog for a walk around a small dean that has just been cleared outside the village. I took Stella's carmera but had it on the wrong setting so the pic's are

rather blured.
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