I have a plan to do a list at the start of each week of things that need doing. Some things might get done and some may not. I also might need to add to the list as the week goes on.
1 Track down a small bag of Aurtarky dog food for mutley.
2 Tidy out some of the junk in Stella's bedroom.
3 Get Kyle to tidy out some of the junk in his bedroom.
4 Put the box of stickle bricks up on Freecycle and what ever else appears out of the kids rooms
5 Sow some more tomatoes as the last lot don't seem to be germinating
6 Wash the couch covers
7 Henna my hair
8 Tidyout and dust the books
9 Cut the grass
10 Cut the hedge
11 Watch the rest of "Elfin Lied"
12 Get some elastic for the top I'm making Stella
Let's see how many get done, I'll tick them off as I go.
Sosmix - veggie sausage mix now back in stock
15 years ago