About Me

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I live with my long term partner and two wonderfull children in a quite Nook of the North East of England. I'm a sahm and intend to say that way for as long as possible.I'm a commited veggie and enjoy cooking lots of differen't types of veggie/vegan food, yoga and the odd glass of real ale.

Monday, 27 April 2009

This weeks list........

I have a plan to do a list at the start of each week of things that need doing. Some things might get done and some may not. I also might need to add to the list as the week goes on.

1 Track down a small bag of Aurtarky dog food for mutley.
2 Tidy out some of the junk in Stella's bedroom.
3 Get Kyle to tidy out some of the junk in his bedroom.
4 Put the box of stickle bricks up on Freecycle and what ever else appears out of the kids rooms
5 Sow some more tomatoes as the last lot don't seem to be germinating
6 Wash the couch covers
7 Henna my hair
8 Tidyout and dust the books
9 Cut the grass
10 Cut the hedge
11 Watch the rest of "Elfin Lied"
12 Get some elastic for the top I'm making Stella

Let's see how many get done, I'll tick them off as I go.

Monkey Girl

I think I have a monkey for a daughter. We went out with the lovely people of VegNe for a picnic, the other Sunday, and Stella and Zarah spent most of the time climbing the trees in Saltwell Park. Vicky, who was kind enough to organise the picnic, sent me some lovely photos of the girls in varions states of monkeyness.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

The Flicks

I've been promising the munchkins a trip to the cinema for the last couple of months. It's really hard to find a film that they both want to see. Kyle likes the standered SF/action/anime and Stella likes Disney/singing/slushy/funny/anime so apart from them both agreeing on anime there's not a lot of choice.

In the end we choice "Race to Witch Mountain"a remake of the 70's Disney film. Lots of SF/action for Kyle and Disney/slushy and funny for Stella. They booth seemed to really enjoy it and it didn't have that dreaded lull, in the middle that so many films have nowadays, where the plot seems to vanish and they stick in twenty minutes of filler to pad the film out.

To make it a more frugal trip we used the Orange Wednesday offer and took along our own snacks. In the end we ended up paying just over a £10 for the three of us to go the the flicks.


We finally managed to get most of the veggies planted this weekend. The potatoes, onions and carrots all went in nicely and this weekend it's the turn of the peas. I've quite a lot of things in the green house, sitting in pots and trays but they seem to be taking an age to germinate. Think it must be this northern weather. It's so changeable at the moment one minute hot the next freezing and the last couple of days have been like pea soup foggy.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Busy, busy, busy

I haven't updated the blog of late as I've been so busy for the last couple of weeks. There's been lots going on and some major and some not so.

The first day of the holls was spent at the Saltwell Park show . I was supposed to meet up with friends but my phone decided to play tricks on me and we never got to meet up with them but Stella and I managed to have a nice but cold afternoon. In the way home we poped intothe local charity shop and I found some more silver. This time it was a necklace.

I spent a lovely Sunday at the NEVG ( North East Vegan Gathering) . I managed to miss the talk on HE as I was too busy blethering and eating some lovely food but I did manage the talks on Vegan Ethics and one on the Vegan Soc by Patricia Tricker who's a trustee of the vegan soc. Next year I'm hopping to take the munchkins for the whole week as Micklewood Park is a lovely place and there loads of kids for them to play with and lots of outings for them to go on as well.

I was hanging the washing out on the Monday and heard a snuffling and looked down to find this little fella stomping around the garden. We go realy close to him and managed to take some realy nice photos. We also found that the bats are back. We took the dog for a walk at twilight and encountered 5 of the little dears. I love them. They amaze me the way they swoop around. They look so soft and gentle. I don't know how anyone could be frightened of them.