About Me

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I live with my long term partner and two wonderfull children in a quite Nook of the North East of England. I'm a sahm and intend to say that way for as long as possible.I'm a commited veggie and enjoy cooking lots of differen't types of veggie/vegan food, yoga and the odd glass of real ale.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Monkey Girl

I think I have a monkey for a daughter. We went out with the lovely people of VegNe for a picnic, the other Sunday, and Stella and Zarah spent most of the time climbing the trees in Saltwell Park. Vicky, who was kind enough to organise the picnic, sent me some lovely photos of the girls in varions states of monkeyness.


  1. thats strange - mines a bit of a monkey too, they almost look like sisters.
    Bet mine was muckier than yours when she got home, seems to attract the muck like a magnet


  2. Stellas allway mucky sometimes I can't tell the difference between her and the dog!!!!
