We've managed to have a relay busy half term this time. Mainly because the weather's been so good here. We started off with the
VegNE stall in town then a trip to the Taste Festival at which we bought some local cheese from
The Northumberland Cheese Company and some jam and lemon cheese
The Sunday and Monday were spent doing the garden and catching up on the washing and Stella had her first sleepover at her friends up the road.
Tuesday was fantastic, we took the dog to Whitley Bay beach and walked from there all the way to North Shields. We did stop half way, at
Cullercoats to have chips from the chippy but what made it relay special was that Pete managed to finish early and meet up with us on the way to the beach. We didn't get home till half ten with two shattered kids and one knackered puppy.

Wednesday we did the
Orange Wednesday film offer and we went with Ruth, Ian and Josh to see the adaptation of the
Neil Gaiman's book
Coraline in the new 3D. Stella had borrowed and read the book, from Ruth and relay enjoyed it so was very excited about the film. We all relay enjoyed the it, it looked beautiful, the story was good but the 3D was a bit of a let down.
Thursday we went to our local garden centre to see if we could track down some grow bags. We'd tried all weekend to get some but for some reason there seems to be a shortage of them in the NE. It's a lovely walk along a footpath then over a couple of fields so we took Bracken with us. The farmer had just cut the grass in to lovely straight rows so the dog had a fantastic time jumping over the piled up grass there and back. We didn't have any luck tracking down grow bags though they, were all sold out so we bought some sorrel,
lovage, a pot
geranium and some
lobiella for the garden instead.
On the Friday we decided to rest well rather pot out the new plants, tidy the house and do more washing. I knew my friend Ruth was going to pop over as Josh was having a tidy out and had some Goosebumps books books for Stella. When she turned up she had a supprise for us, two lovely grow bags. She had also bought some bedding plants which she split with me and I passed on what I had left over of the Lobiella.
We did our usuall Saturday stuff Stella went to dance class well rather we tried to get todance class but the bus didn't turnup so we were realy late and decided to forget about it and leave to the following week. Then we went shopping.
Sunday was again spent in the garden. I got out the 99p paddling pool we've had for years and put Stella in her UV suit and let her loose in the garden. Kyle even came and joined in and had loads of fun playing with Bracken and the pump action water pistol. Even 13 year old boys will allow them selfs to have fun when there's a pump action water pistol around. It was such a lovely day that we even eat dinner alfresco.

I love weeks like this it's nice to just be able to do things with the children with out the pressure of having to get up early or the routine of school. Roll on the summer holls and lets hope we have some of that promised good weather.