About Me

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I live with my long term partner and two wonderfull children in a quite Nook of the North East of England. I'm a sahm and intend to say that way for as long as possible.I'm a commited veggie and enjoy cooking lots of differen't types of veggie/vegan food, yoga and the odd glass of real ale.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

The things you find....

when you least expect it. A copy of "The Tassajara Bread Book" for £1 in one of the city centre charity shops. It's been sitting on my Amazon wish list for a while know and I kept meaning to pop it into my basket with every order, I put through, but something kept stopping me. So I was both happy and surprised to find. I must say it's a beautiful book, well written with lots of tasty looking recipes to try out on the family.

Other finds were a couple of Jacquline Wilson, a TinTin adventure, Mary Popins (which I've never read so will be taking on holiday to read to Stella) all for Stella and the new Artemis Fowl paper back.


  1. Oh wow, that was a bargain. Fate must have been stalling you. x

  2. I was so happy to find it and I'm hoping that I might be lucky and find some more on my list.
